20 July 2023

Updated AuriStor client support for Debian and Ubuntu on x86_64

Debian and Ubuntu client configuration

Along with our support for RPM-based Linux distributions, AuriStor supports platforms which use deb packages. 

Configuration is slightly more manual than the RPM repo situation, but is still pretty easy. You need to know what distribution you're running, which you can check with lsb_release -c. 

Here is an example for Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) 


To do a client install, two files are required:

* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/auristor-client.list

This is a mostly normal Debian/Ubuntu repository specification. You can specify a specific version (for instance, v02021.05) or go with the current recommended version ("recommended"). The file would thus contain a string like:

deb [arch=amd64] https://client-rpm-repo.auristor.com/filesystem/repo/recommended/bionic/ bionic client


deb [arch=amd64] https://client-rpm-repo.auristor.com/filesystem/repo/recommended/bionic/ bionic client

* /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/auristor.gpg

This is a binary gpg key file for the Auristor client library. 

If you do not already have the key you can

        gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/auristor.gpg --import AURISTOR-GPG-KEY-v1


You're now ready to install!

    apt update

    apt install auristorfs-modules-dkms auristorfs-client

At this point, your system has an installed client. The installed service is auristorfs-client, so you can use e.g.

    systemctl start auristorfs-client


    systemctl status auristorfs-client

to check it; if you're happy, 

    systemctl enable auristorfs-client

and it will be started for subsequent boots.

Kernel updates will result in new modules being pulled in via dkms as needed.